Xiami Music is an online music provider in China. It is one of rated 5 stars music Apps in China. QQ Music , NetEase Cloud Music and Xiami Music is the top rated the best music App in China. When you are living outside of China and visit www.xiami.com on PC, your will get the error message "Xiami is currently not available in your country." Oh, no. Why Xiami service is not available in foreign country. Do you want to use XiaMi Music anywhere? Yes! Users can connect to mainland China VPN to unblock XiaMi Music now. It is so easy. The key is to get Chinese IP address to bypass XiaMi IP filtering. So what we can do is to change IP into China.
Download XiaMi Music App/Client from XiaMi website after get connected to China VPN service. Users can download XiaMi Apk file from here too. If you can't find Xiami in your Apple store, ahead to create one Chinese Apple ID.
Download XiaMi Music App/Client from XiaMi website after get connected to China VPN service. Users can download XiaMi Apk file from here too. If you can't find Xiami in your Apple store, ahead to create one Chinese Apple ID.
Best China VPN Service For Unlocking XiaMi
Get connected to China VPN on devices, then VPN will assign Chinese IP address to your devices. Now, what is the best China VPN service to unlock XiaMi Music from everywhere. You can search in Google. If you still haven't find stable and fast mainland China VPN for Xiami, you can use the free trial China VPN. For iPhone, iPad and Android users, get 14 days free China VPN.
Listen and download Music On XiaMi On PC, iPhone, iPad and Android
Let us listen and download music with XiaMi Music App/client on PC, iPhone, iPad and Android from everywhere. Whatever you want to listen Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English music or songs, you can find in XiaMi.
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